About Us

Hi there, welcome to Foliage World. We’re House Plant Nursery located in Union City, California. Just like you we’re passionate about House Plants.

Our mission is to deliver quality plant at the best price. We would love to be a part of your plant journey in any way we can. And appreciate your support to our small business.

Hi I am Shahzanan, the creative soul behind Foliage World, a captivating journey that blossomed from a simple desire to beautify my own home. At first, I turned to plants as a charming and lively solution to enhance the aesthetic appeal of my living space. Little did I know that this modest intention would evolve into a flourishing collection of over 50 plants, each one cherished and nurtured with boundless love.

Amidst the daily rituals of caring for my leafy companions, I discovered an unexpected source of solace during a particularly difficult time in my life—a period marked by the profound grief of losing a beloved one. Tending to my plants became more than just a hobby; it became a healing process, providing me with a sense of purpose and responsibility that brought me peace and strength.

As time went by, my green family thrived, and soon I found myself with an abundance of cuttings and propagations. With a heart brimming with passion and the realization that I had uncovered my Ikigai, I embarked on a new journey—transforming my small hobby into a full-time career. Thus, Foliage World was born.

Foliage World is not just a business; it’s a reflection of my deep-rooted connection with nature and the desire to share the joy and tranquility that plants bring into our lives. My mission is to spread the love for foliage, offering a diverse array of plants, each one imbued with the same devotion and care that first inspired this beautiful adventure.

Through Foliage World, I hope to inspire others to discover the wonders of plant parenthood, connecting with the calming rhythm of nature, and finding strength in nurturing life. So, whether you’re a seasoned plant enthusiast or a budding green thumb, come join me on this enriching journey, as we embrace the beauty and vitality that foliage can bring into our world.

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