Philodendron Gigas

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Philodendron Gigas is a rare tropical plant with large, glossy leaves and coppery-red undersides. With its impressive size and striking foliage, Philodendron Gigas is a popular choice for indoor gardeners seeking a unique and eye-catching addition to their collection.

General care:

🌞Light: Bright indirect light is ideal, with morning or evening direct light also acceptable. Avoid strong midday sunlight to prevent leaf burn.

💧Water: Water when the top inch of the soil is dry.

⛲Humidity: Moderate to high Humidity. It will thrive in 75-85% humidity.

Propagation: Cut from the nod and place it into any growing medium.

SKU: HP00PGR Categories: , ,
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Plant Family





Medium – Bright Indirect


Half of the soil is dry

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