Sungonium Green


Syngonium plants are characterized by their arrowhead-shaped leaves that grow along trailing stems. The leaves vary in color and pattern, with some species featuring solid green foliage, while others exhibit variegation with shades of white, cream, pink, or silver. As the plant matures, it may produce larger leaves with multiple lobes, adding to its ornamental appeal.

General care:

🌞Light: Bright indirect.

💧Water: Water when half of the soil is almost dry. The leaves will start to droop which is a perfect sign to water the plant.

⛲Humidity: High to low Humidity. It will thrive in higher humidity but won’t crisp up in lower humidity.

✂Propagation: Cut below the nod and place it into water, moss or soil.



SKU: HP00SGreen Categories: ,
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Medium – Bright Indirect

Plant Family



Half of the soil is dry

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Sungonium Green
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